Valke Rugby Referee Society

Referees training WEBsite


for the better.

Sport whistle with ring

Lineout and maul objectives

Here are some key points for attackers to keep in mind at the lineout:

  1. Set up the lineout quickly without unnecessary huddles. If there is a delay, give a warning, and then award a free kick if necessary.
  2. The throw-in must be credible and fair, (NB! Contest of defense)
  3. Access to jumper in the lineout.
  4. Players must stay in their designated lanes during the lineout.
  5. Do not stop play if the attacking team is ready to play.

Here are some key points for defenders to keep in mind at the lineout:

  1. Compete fairly and credibly for the ball in the air.
  2. Do not throw the jumper across the lineout.
  3. The contest can only begin once the jumper is on the ground.
  4. If the attacking team forms a maul, defenders may immediately attempt to sack it.
  5. Defenders cannot both drive and sack the maul - they must pick one method.
  6. Supporters of the maul cannot be sacked at any stage.
  7. Defending the maul with hands around the legs is illegal.
  8. Defenders are not allowed to pull opposition players in a maul.

Key Notes

1. Legal Sack

  • Legal sack constitutes a tackle, not a maul
  • Teams may either sack the jumper immediately and not whilst still in the air, or drive, not both
  • The lineout will be deemed over if the sack is legal

2. Receiver Positioning

  • Receivers must be 2m away from the lineout
  • Receiver may enter the lineout before the ball leaves the hooker’s hands if another player in the lineout takes up the position of the receiver
  • Peeling away is not sufficient for the player to take up the receiver's position
  • Receiver may join and participate in the lineout once the ball has left the hooker's hands

May not pull players in a maul



Player safety must be prioritized

Anticipation - No early pushing or pulling on catchers or lifters


Law 9.3: A player must not intentionally prevent an opponent from tackling or attempting to tackle the ball-carrier

Clear access means that an opponent can tackle in an attempt to tackle the catcher

This can happen when lifters remain alongside the catcher

What we don’t want

No clear access

What we want

Clear access

Jumping Across




Law definition - Reminder

Off feet: Players are off their feet when any other part of the body is supported by the ground or players on the ground.

Maul law 16.9: All other players in a maul must endeavor to stay on their feet

Players with hands on the floor in this area run the risk to be penalized


Every time the structure of the 3 players is dynamic before the contact with the defender(s) we should sanction for safety reasons

Jumping Across

Illegal shift drive

Difference between professional and amateur rugby

Illegal formation by blue

Sacking Supporter

Leaving LO before ball thrown

Our 90/10 principle

  • Hooker on the mark
  • Space between jumpers
  • No lifting legs
  • Contest can only start once the jumper is on the floor
Three Rugby Players
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